



  • 主辦單位:社團法人臺灣職能治療學會、日本作業療法士學會、長庚大學
  • 目    的:

臺灣職能治療學會於2016年11月與日本作業療法士協會(Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists, JAOT) 達成兩會持續於學術與實務方面交流之共識,希望透過兩會的交流提升雙方職能治療之服務品質,給予個案更全面之照護服務。兩會同意每兩年舉辦台日職能治療論壇,以落實資訊及經驗之交流及分享。今年第三屆台日職能治療論壇暨教育部精準健康產業跨領域人才培育計畫:健康福祉論壇訂於2022年12 月03日在台北舉辦,將以促進個體的健康福祉為出發點,探討急性後期個案及發展障礙兒童的職能治療服務模式。

本屆論壇邀請任教於美國聖路易華盛頓大學醫學院的張志宏教授主講「健康福祉與精準醫療的關係」。另有兩個主題報告將探討職能治療師如何協助個案從醫療機構順利回歸或融合到社區(包含居家及學校等場域)生活及提升個案在日常生活的參與及安適感,台日雙方將分享各自國內的現況與展望。第一個主題報告「職能治療在急性後期整合照護計畫(Post-Acute Care,簡稱PAC)的角色」,將由日本Mr. Sakai Yasutoshi及台灣張婉嫈兩位職能治療師介紹台、日兩國的PAC概況及分享職能治療師在急性後期如何以提升個案生活品質為目標,協助個案順利從醫療機構回歸到居家環境,包括協助個案及其家人預想回歸居家生活後的樣貌,進行居家環境評估及改造等,以使個案能重新適應,享有好的生活品質。 第二個主題報告「對發展障礙兒童的職能治療服務」,將由日本Ms. Nakama Chihiro與台灣黃俐貞兩位職能治療師分別介紹日本學校系統的職能治療師以職能為焦點,跟學校教師協同合作的經驗以及台灣的職能治療師在醫療機構及學校社區服務落實以職能為焦點的服務及服務發展障礙兒童的新近發展。


  • 日  期:111年12月3日(星期六) 早上8:40-12:30
  • 課程地點:公衛大樓101講堂
  • 參加對象:職能治療師及相關專業人員
  • 報名期限:即日起至額滿為止。
  • 報名方式:臺灣職能治療學會學會網頁
  • 教育積分:本會將依學員實際參加時數發給出席證明。本會經行政院人事行政局核准為公務人員終身學習之學習機構,可認證學習時數。全程參與者,核給職能治療師繼續教育積分3.6點。
  • 課程負責人:臺灣職能治療學會學會國際事務委員會黃俐貞委員
  • 本會負責人:吳菁宜理事長
  • 本會聯絡人:呂家誌秘書長、張婉嫈副秘書長、黃上育副秘書長、李冠逸副祕書長、陳欣愉秘書、劉祐成秘書、李佩真秘書
















主講人:Prof. Chih-Hung Chang,






主講人:Sakai Yasutoshi












主講人:Nakama Chihiro









Sakai Yasutoshi、張婉嫈

Nakama Chihiro、黃俐貞









Title: The Role of Occupational Therapy in Post-Acute Care

Speaker 1: Sakai Yasutoshi



March, 1994    Bunkyo University Faculty of Education (Bachelor of Education) 

March, 2002    Waseda College of Medical Arts and Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy (Diploma of Occupational Therapy)


Work Experience

April, 1994~March, 1998     Tokyo Metropolitan Oji Daini School for the Children with Disabilities

April, 1998~March, 1999     Tokyo Metropolitan Koiwa School for the Children with Disabilities

April, 2002~Present      Center for Children with Developmental Special Needs UMEDA・AKEBONO GAKUEN


Rehabilitation programs in Japan are divided into acute, convalescent, and post-acute care phases. The roles and functions of each phase are clearly defined. In the acute phase, early intervention is recommended. Early intervention enables prevention of bedridden state and reduction of prognostic symptom. In the recovery phase, Clients with stable medical conditions are targeted. Recovery phase rehabilitation is often conducted intensively in specialized medical facilities, and some facilities offer rehabilitation programs throughout the year. The living phase focuses on improving the quality of life of client. Rehabilitation is provided through day care center and home visits. Many services are covered by long-term care insurance. The role of the occupational therapist in each phase is described below. Acute Phase: Occupational Therapist support client to improve function and ADL for their new life. And to prevent other functional decline. Recovery phase: Occupational Therapist provides the client with a concrete image of living at home after discharge from the medical facility. In addition, we evaluate the living environment of client. Based on the results, we will provide the program to improve the necessary functions and ADL. Living phase: Occupational Therapist solve the various difficulties client faced in actual living situations. The Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists has been launching various initiatives to strongly promote this trend.


Speaker 2: Wan-Ying Chang


June 2013   National Taiwan University, School of Occupational therapy (Master Degree)

Work Experience

1998~Present     Chief of Therapist. Occupational Therapist. Division of Occupational Therapy, Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare

2008~2010         Director. Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association

2005~2008         Director. Taiwan Occupational Therapists Union

2008~2011         Executive Director. Taipei County Occupational Therapists Union

2013~2016         Supervisor. Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association

2020~Present     Executive Supervisor. New Taipei City Occupational Therapy Union

2019~Present     Deputy Secretary. Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association

2000~Present     School System Project Leader. Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association / Education Department, New Taipei City


Patients who become stable in the acute phase are often worried about the care after returning home and would request longer stay in the hospital. The decreased care intensity, or the phenomenon of clients seeking admission to large hospitals for further rehabilitation reflect the need of improving medical services quality and the efficiency of resource use. Therefore, from 2014, the National Health Insurance Administration in Taiwan has implemented the Post-acute Care (PAC) Service programs. This post-acute integrated care model has been established through payment reform to improve the care quality. It includes 6 sub-programs: (1) Stroke, (2) Burn, (3) Traumatic Neurological Injury, (Specific Fracture (5) Heart Failure, (6) Aging Frailty.  A total of 277 hospitals joined the PAC program, 217 of them provide stroke PAC, 29 provide burn PAC, 149 provide traumatic neurological injury PAC, 189 provide Specific fracture PAC, 149 provide aging frailty PAC, and 35 provide heart failure PAC.

In each sub-program professional assessment of daily living functions are emphasized. As a profession that long focused on an individual’s participation in daily occupation, occupational therapists (OT) play a very important role in helping patients in the PAC program in gaining as much independence as possible. OT working in the PAC programs assist patients to reach their full potential during the prime period hoping to restore life function and reduce the impact of disability. OT design individualized therapeutic tasks according to the client’s needs to promote active movements that lead to smooth performance of functional tasks. In the PAC programs, occupational therapy service emphasizes more on motor skills relearning, prevention of disability and home environment assessment and modification. We hope to reduce the psychological damage caused by disease, and enhance patients’ quality of life.

Through proper selection of appropriate patients and high-intensity training, patients can make significant progress in Post-Acute Care programs. Provision of active and integrated PAC care is efficient in function restoration or reduction of the degree of disability. It also helps to reduce subsequent medical expenses of re-hospitalization.


Title: Occupational Therapy for Children with Developmental Disabilities

Speaker 1: Nakama Chihiro


March, 2002    Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy (Bachelor of Occupational Therapy)

Work Experience:

April, 2002~March, 2005            Kawakita Rehabilitation Hospital

April, 2005~March, 2008            Tapic Okinawa Rehabilitation Hospital

April, 2009~November, 2015     Ryukyu Rehabilitation Academy

January, 2016~Present               YUIMAWARU Co., Ltd. Children's Center YUIMAWARU. CEO


Education in Japan has been required to develop special needs education to establish inclusive education system which respects diversity and allows all children with or without disability possible to participate effectively in a free society by developing and learning together. On the other hand, at a school site, the number of children who need special needs education have increased more than double over the last decade. Strengthening cooperation with experts which are mainly teachers and building a team including families have received attention to achieve development of special need education. The opportunities of providing Occupational Therapist service at schools have increased recently though those have not been sufficient.

However, occupational therapy viewpoint attracts attention and Occupational Therapist is now necessary as an expert in schools. We, occupational therapists, have a view of “focusing on occupations” which other professions do not have and furthermore Occupational Therapist have a professional skill of “making executions of occupation happen.” This shows a new role of experts (Occupational Therapist) that empowers and consults teachers and parents so that teachers pursue “education that we want to provide (teachers’ work)” as opposed to “dealing with problematic behavior of children” which have been provided by experts until now. I would like to introduce a case of occupational therapy at school that has been conducted under a concept of “education we want to provide to all children.”


Speaker 2: Lichen Huang


January, 2000   Boston University, Department of Occupational Therapy (Master of Science)

June, 1991        National Taiwan University, School of Occupational Therapy (Bachelor)

Work Experience

2002~Present   Occupational therapist, Taipei City Hospital Child Developmental Assessment and Intervention Center (chief of therapists since 2014)

1996-2001         Occupational therapist,  Taipei City School System

1991-1993         Pediatric occupational therapist, National University Hospital


Occupational therapy (OT) services for children with developmental disabilities(DD) have proliferated since its start in more than 50 years ago in Taiwan. Nowadays, these different models of OT service delivery have been developed. Beside medical institutions, OT services for children with DD are now provided in different contexts including schools, development centers, private practice and homes as a result of the advocacy of parents groups, amendment of Special Education law and the implementation of long term care services. With the expansion of intervention into the child’s natural living environments, pediatric OT clinicians in Taiwan are constantly readjusting their service focus and models to meet the client’s needs. Though challenging, it gives OT clinicians a better opportunity to understand the child’s engagement in their daily occupation. On the other hand, researchers in pediatric OT area have also been examining and developing evidenced based programs and tools for children with special needs. Both OT clinicians and researchers in Taiwan have devoted efforts in promoting participation of our clients in daily occupations and empowering their families. This presentation will make a brief introduction of